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the most Ancient Game


"Leela"  is a unique infusion of mystique knowledges, spirituality and blant phsycology.  

"Leela" awakens your inner wisdom connecting your unconscious with conscious for profound personal & life transformation.


Are you playing the game of life, or merely surviving it?

Step into your role as the creator of your destiny rather than a passive observer forced into evolution by karma and fate.

Break free from the matrix, start playing, and truly enjoy the journey!


The game "Leela" has a rich history dating back about 2,000 years, according to its main popularizer, Harish Johari, who brought it to public attention with his book "Leela: The Game of Self-Knowledge" in 1974. Johari broke the previous sacred seal of the game and revealed it to a broader audience.

Despite its ancient roots, the oldest extant game board dates just over 4 centuries, nestled in historical archives. The Jain iteration, surviving since 1735 in Rajasthan, stands as the earliest documented version. 

Leela manifests in myriad forms across religious and philosophical landscapes, spanning Jain, Hindu, Sufi Muslim, and Buddhist traditions. Museums worldwide host approximately 50 distinctive game boards, predominantly from India, Nepal, and Tibet.

The game was brought from India to England in the late 19th century marking a significant cultural shift. It gained popularity, but the deep spiritual meanings were often lost or altered to fit Victorian moral values and European mentality. This adaptation process transformed Leela into a simpler game, more aligned with Western sensibilities.

Originally an adult pursuit, Leela metamorphosed into a pedagogical tool by 1890, transforming into "Snakes & Ladders" to educate children about cause and effect relationships.


Name variations

  • Gyan Chauper (The Game of Wisdom)
  • Jnana bazi/ Gyan bazi (The Game of Heaven & Hell)
  • Parama Pada Sopanam (Steps to the Hihest)
  • Moksha Patam ( The ladder of Salvation)
  • Nagapasa (*as a weapon of war, nāgapāśa is the arrow which becomes a snake and binds the enemy)
  • Kismet ( Fate/Destiny)
  • Shatranj-al-arifin (Chess of the Wise)
  • Leela (Time Spending)
  • Chutes & Ladders / Snakes & Ladders

"There are two types of games we play in life: finite games and infinite games.

Infinite games designed for the purpose of continuous play and with the purpose of bringing more players into the game.

There are no winners or losers - just an ongoing experience"

(c) Steven Bartlett

Explore the difference

Compare to classic therapy

Classical therapy, regardless of the specific approach, is a valuable and gradual journey. It often takes years to uncover insights, and it tends to keep you focused on the past. Even with the best therapist, who knows how to shift your attention to the present, this method relies solely on the cognitive functions of the brain. That's why therapy can sometimes feel prolonged—because you may not always be ready for a purely cognitive solution.

The real answers are often tucked away in your subconscious, and the transformation happens when you align your body, soul, and mind in the present moment.

Hypnotherapy, such as Ericksonian hypnosis, is quite similar to what "Leela" offers. However, hypnotherapy generally addresses only one issue per session.

In contrast, "Leela" game allows you to tackle multiple issues at once, reprogram your behavior patterns, heal past wounds, understand your future, and reconnect with the present - all in one go.

Compare to Numerology || Astrology

With all due respect, numerology and astrology tend to provide a fixed outlook: this is who you are, this is what will happen, and this is what you can do—just buckle up and enjoy the ride!

These approaches can make you feel as if your life is controlled by destiny, limiting your role as an active creator. While astrology and numerology offer warnings and hints on where to direct your attention, they don't help you delve deeper into your unconscious.

"Leela", on the other hand, is a tool designed to elevate your level of consciousness. It empowers you to bypass "destined" unpleasant moments. Once you've lived through a certain "life lesson/ destined momentum" on the game field, it has no reason to repeat itself in your life.

Instead of feeling like a pawn in your own life, Leela helps you unlock the power of creation and take control of your destiny.

Compare to family constellation

The main focus of family constellations is on the healing process with your ancestors. It recognizes that each individual is inherently connected to and influenced by their family system. While family constellations offer valuable insights, an exclusive focus on your family and past can be counterproductive.

"Leela", however, goes beyond just family dynamics. The Game encourages you to move beyond constantly looking back and trying to find your place in the family system. Instead, it helps you understand yourself on a deeper level and take responsibility for your future steps.

"Leela"'s emphasis on building resilience, accepting responsibility, and gaining personal power sets it apart. You are not a victim—you are a player.




It is a game of self-discovery & spirit awakening.

Despite the differences in our lives, we share fundamental desires: to be happy, fulfilled, healthy, and loved.

Leela can help you uncover the answers to why you might still be missing these elements in your life—

...if you are ready to face the questions.


Life Path and Purpose

  • I can't find the strength to make changes in my life. What's holding me back?
  • Who am I?
  • What is my life's purpose or calling?
  • Why do I feel myself trapped?
  • What are my true desires?
  • Why am I running away?
  • Why am I avoiding certain aspects of my life?
  • What is the point of suffering and hardship?
  • How do I find fulfillment and happiness?
  • How do I cope with feelings of loneliness and isolation?
  • Why don't I  have clear desires ?
  • What fears are preventing me from pursuing my goals?
  • What steps can I take to align my life with my true passions?

*"it" refers to your own personal issue or situation you want to resolve

  • Why do I do"it"? Why do I need "it"?
  • Why I decided to do "it"?
  • What's wrong with "it"? 
  • How "it" might play in my favor?

Love & Relationships

  • How can I meet a compatible partner?
  • What steps do I need to take to successfully get married?
  • How can I improve my relationship with my spouse?
  • What is preventing me from improving my relationship?
  • Why do I repeatedly find myself in abusive or codependent relationships, and how can I break this cycle?
  • How can I heal from past trauma or heartbreak?
  • What should I understand about my family relationships?
  • How can I better understand and address the root causes of my discontent in relationships?
  • What boundaries do I need to set to protect my emotional well-being?
  • How can I cultivate trust and intimacy in my relationship?
  • What past experiences might be influencing my current relationship patterns?

Career & Finances

  • I want to buy an apartment/car or travel. What steps do I need to take to achieve this?
  • How can I make money doing what I love?
  • What can I do to take my business to the next level?
  • I want to make XXXXXX $ per month. How I can get there?
  • Why doesn't my work bring me pleasure?
  • What should I focus on to achieve my career goals?
  • How can I improve my financial situation?
  • Am I on the right path in my career?
  • What is blocking my personal growth?
  • How can I find the strength to start my own business?
  • How can I decide to change my profession?

Health & Wellbeing

  • I don’t feel myself. What is the reason?
  • Why nothing brings me pleasure &/or satisfaction?
  • What do I need to understand about my health?
  • How can I overcome my current health challenges?
  • How can I fall in love with and believe in myself?
  • How can I raise my self-esteem?
  • What are the key factors affecting my mental health?

Social Life

  • What prevents me from enjoying my achievements and life?
  • Why don't I have friends?
  • How can I build meaningful connections and networks in my life?
  • Why can't I connect with like-minded people?
  • Why do I prefer to be alone?
  • What opportunities can I find in my current problematic situation?



"Leela" stands as a profound method of enlightment and liberation.

Why it says this game chooses you? Because it does! When your Soul truly needs change, signs and help appear in the material world. If you're paying attention, you'll notice.

Nothing happens by chance. YOU ARE READING THIS FOR A REASON. THE GAME HAS ALREADY CHOSEN YOU, and it's only a matter of time before you decide to play.


Many modern transformational games are based on "Leela". Unfortunately, many psychologists and coaches have stripped away its depth, focusing only on cause and effect. This is sad because the game taps into a powerful quantum field where you can choose your desired reality, break free from karmic cycles, and start processes that will feel magical within a month.


Magic is simply the natural flow of energy when your soul, mind, and body are coherent (in harmony). This isn't a fairy tale or a wizard movie—it's the reality for those ready TO AWAKEN.


Playing in a group ALWAYS brings better outcomes.

The experiences and stories of other players often reflect your own, offering healing through observation and shared insights.

The strenght of the field in group game x4 stronger.



Play alone



If your story feels too personal and you're not yet ready to share it with others,

you can always choose to play the game solo

Play in group



The Date & Time are scheduled

4 players maximum


240€ per group

4 players maximum

This is a private game designed to meet your group's specific objectives.

You can also focus on personal goals while playing with your friends.



     Working ethic | NDA | Special terms

Contact us

If you'd like to play in ANY OTHER EUROPEAN city, leave the message below.


The Hague, Netherlands